T(h)inker|Photographer|Designer, Kishore Amruth

“Anyone who has the mind and creativity to dream and navigate that is my true inspiration.”

This week we bring to you a crazy inspiring dreamweaver, and one of our closest friends, Kishore Amruth!

“Being a photographer is about seeing something and portraying it through your own thoughts in a world where it is hard to be honest,” said Kishore, a photographer and designer by profession, who identifies himself as a t(h)inker.

A T(h)inker with a twist, Kishore Amruth. Source: File image

Kishore’s humble beginnings stemmed from a college fest where he discovered that he did not like working in a hierarchy.

“I’ve always wanted freedom in what I do, love what you do and do what you love, that keeps me going,” he said, reminiscing his beginnings.

Kishore began his magic with the camera in his pre university days, and continued to grow through college, seizing and savouring each opportunity thrown his way.

After his graduation he took his passion and turned it into his living with his confounded start-up called Freakitive.

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“Be proud of what you do”. Source: File image

“Be proud of what you do,” said Kishore, speaking about his work. “If someone sees your design it should bring a smile on their face when they say they know you, it should be something that relates to your inner self.”

Kishore, who never stopped working extremely hard for a single day during his sky rocketing career, believes that the best part about his work is meeting new people, discussing new things, challenging yourself and just living every day.

Despite his success in his professional career, Kishore believes that the most important thing is how you treat people. “When I catch a cab, I make sure to ask the driver how he is doing, if he is happy, if he can smile today. It feels great to put on a smile on someone’s face. I value anyone on the road who smiles at you and acknowledges that your presence is important to them.”

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“The easiest way to make someone happy is to radiate a smile at them!”. Source: File image

It is not every day that you meet people who believe in collaboration over competition. On bad days, Kishore believes in getting his perspective right. “There are people going through a lot more than me. I just believe in myself and sleep on it.”

“My message to everyone listening would be to be honest, even if it challenges you to go out of your vision and mission, never cheat or lie, always be faithful to you because you never know what comes calling and most importantly, be approachable to everyone.”

What is the easiest way to make someone happy?


What is the greatest gift you’ve given?


What is the greatest gift you’ve ever received?


What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

Steal food
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Who are some of your role models?

Rob Hall, Wes Anderson, RAJINIKANTH, A.R. RAHMAN

What is your favourite word?


Thank you for speaking with us Kish, it isn’t every dreamer who we’ve seen spin their dreams from scratch. We are so honoured to have witnessed your incredible journey and wish you all the best this universe has in store for you!

P.S. Who else could have possibly clicked our banner photograph!? 😉

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